*****to feel is not to be feared*****














The weekend I released this project marked Imbolc which is the Gaelic festival of Spring, the word suggested to have come from Old Irish meaning in the belly. I have been working on this project ‘Inherited Weather’ since November 2022 and it has been one of tussling and struggling to know when it was done. It is a record of recovery from many things and feelings and long held beliefs, and it has helped me slow down and find a new mental rhythm to occupy. It consists of a short film with original score, photo book and accopanying essay. I have also included here some research pages from my sketchbook. Spending time in the heath, by the sea, in aquariums, libraries, the cinema and more has been a crucial part of building this work but most importantly has nourished me deeply. The accompanying essay which can be found on my substack goes into much more contextual depth of the roots of this work. There is an accompanying photo book and essay which I have posted in other posts and also all on my website/substack. A big big hug and thank you hugely to Frank and Bea, this project began with you both 🌱 to Jess and her wisdom who helped it along and my angel pal Jackson who has seen it in many forms and champions me always 🌞

I have made this film from over 250 photos/video recordings but the original project has held close to 2000. It is a process of shedding and collating and refining and shedding again. I wrote the score straight to the video during a couple of hours this January, the whole process has been one of trying to get back to the belly, the gut feeling, a sense of trust. 

This is the accompanying book to the film and features a selection of images from the film, following the same structure which follows from sunrise to sunset with plenty of weather changes along the day. 

The essay ‘change is the breath of life (I try)’ lives within the photobook of this wider project but as it is such a tiny print run, I wanted to share it on my substack too. I wrote this piece whilst being a part of the Compost Library classes where all my thoughts get to untangle themselves and be held with great kindness. Being a part of these writing sessions has truly changed my life in such a deeply seismic way. The piecing together of all of this work has been simeltaneously freeing and constricting. The initial release of making has been so massive and affirming and then the editing/collating process has completely exhausted me. This picking apart of my own life is something I am grappling with in regards of what I see a future of making to look like for me and I don’t quite have the answers there yet.  🕊

These are some pages from the sketchbook I kept from Nov 2022-April 2023 which I returned to for rerooting and rerouting in the process of making this project. It is now one of my most treasured possessions and I have shared a few pages before in different contexts. I wanted to touch on the naming of this project, Inherited Weather as it came as a last minute decision. I had come up with alongside the help of P. Eldridge in the discussions of another project and then after fretting about names and work and getting myself in a tizzy, I realised it all sat in the belly (Imbolc). I saw this notion of the weather we inherit, the emotional disposition, the trauma, the worries felt akin to weather. Whilst on my MA, during a time of world crisis in the pandemic and personal crisis with the beginning of my estrangement process, I would repeat the phrase ‘we will weather this storm together’ as a mantra of comfort. This project I hopefully get to look back on in many years to come as the one that not only saved my life but replanted me into a life that is bigger than the desperation to survive I had only knew previously. It is so deeply rooted in love and care, and change. 🫶🏻  

These are selection of images included in the film and book.